The latest was this morning's flood/MTA shut-down. Rumor has it that we had huge thunderstorms (and Brooklyn got a tornado) that completely halted public transport for hours. In fact, I think things still aren't running normal even now. But thanks to this week's little in-town vacation, I was tucked up sound asleep during the chaos.
I woke up around 7:30 - yeah, it was raining, but what did I care? I ate my breakfast, did a little reading, then dozed off again. And all the while working people in New York (which is pretty much everybody) were stranded at various locations around the city trying to do the good-employee thing and get to work. I only had a few errands to do around the 'hood - didn't do one of my NYC tourist walks today - so I wasn't impacted by the subway problems. Thank you, Angel!
And remember the big steam blow-up a couple of weeks ago? I decided worked from home that day, so I missed that horrific thing, as well.
Plus, my dog-sitter has reported that on two different occasions - one at E. 88th and one at my current apartment - I've missed "reported neighborhood bomb scares" by being out of town. Whew!
The big snow storm in March? Where was I? Africa.
Listen, Angel, I don't know who you are (Clarence?), but keep up the good work!
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