As a cat, I observe certain things about Martini. Here’s a few I thought I would share.
He weighs almost seven pounds.
He’s eleven inches tall.
He will be three years old in November.
He doesn’t like to go outside in the when it’s dark.
He really doesn’t like to walk in wet grass.
According to the instructions on his dog food, he should eat an eighth of a cup per meal and he eats two meals a day.
He never eats every kibble of his dog food and always leaves two little kibbles uneaten. I guess he doesn’t want to look like a pig.
He is afraid to eat out of a plate or bowl. He has no problem drinking water out of his water bowl though. We have no idea why a food bowl frightens him. So Pop gives him his food on a paper towel. That works for all parties concerned.
He saw a gopher tortoise that was larger than he is and he wanted to bite its shell. He didn’t but he sure wanted to.
He is totally mentally absorbed when looking at lizards in the yard.
If Pop says, listen, he does. He stops doing whatever he’s doing and actually listens.
He sleeps in his bed laying upside down with his belly up.
And here’s my favorite. If Animal Planet is on TV and there are dogs in the story, not only does he watch but if the dogs bark like they are in trouble, he walks over to the TV and stands straight up on his back legs for a minute or two. The guy seems to get heavily involved in whatever he is watching.
Martini has been with us a little over 14 weeks now and this just wouldn’t be home without him. He fits in here like a little round peg in a little round hole, perfectly.
Have a great weekend and share something fun with someone
Fred the Cat (the cat who loves you guys)
( If you are curious about that little green thing on my collar in this picture here’s the deal. This picture was taken before I was chipped and if you unscrewed that little green thing, there was a little scroll of paper inside telling Pop’s phone number and promising a reward if I should get lost and someone found me. I have gone hi-tech now so I no longer wear my little ID green thing.)
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