Steadfast and Loyal...
A Faith that fizzles before the final;
Had a flaw from the first!
(This was a quote a pastor of ours use to say to us many years ago)
Who comes to mind when you think of the statement;
Steadfast and Loyal?
Is it your Husband?
Maybe a dear friend.
How about a sister or brother!
Maybe a Pastor!
Love now days seem so fickle;
Little things said or perceived cause you to pull back or away;
He said the wrong thing!
Did you notice the way she looked at me?
I just felt a funny feeling about them!
I think most love has an expiration date attached to it!
Time's UP
I seem to remember a verse that says something like this
Love is patient
Love is kind
Love thinks no wrong...
Ever feel like sitting down with a daisy flower
And start pulling off the petals and repeating
He loves me;
He loves me not...
We had better start shoring up our hearts folks
Things are changing!!
We are all looking for someone who will be steadfast and loyal.
Be that person yourself...
Do not being easily offended!
Stop trying to read every emotion as negative or it's just about you!
Quit thinking only of yourself!
I am learning and growing and I need to be ready to stand
And love when I might feel like He loves me NOT.
The enemy always wants to isolate you!
Be quiet and learn to love your own!
Do not look for love in the wrong places or people!
God is LOVE
To love others with no agendas or expectation!
I think of that scripture that warns us that the
Love of most will grow cold...
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