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Book Worm Series: Eleanor & Park *No Spoilers*

Hey ya'll!!

Today I'm going to give you my thoughts, and an overview, of Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell. The reason why I'm not doing a full on review with spoilers is because it is so good that I don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't read it yet. The first Rainbow Rowell book I read was FanGirl which I absolutely loved. For more information on FanGirl click here. I adored Eleanor and Park! It was funny, relatable, and tugged on my heart strings. Throughout the book, the points of view are constantly shifting between Eleanor and Park. Normally I don 't like books like that, but Rowell wrote it so well that the transitions between characters is smooth and easy to follow.
For those of you that don't know, Eleanor and Park is about two high schoolers who start out not liking each other, but overtime they grow on each other and have their "first love" experience. The way Rainbow Rowell wrote about first love was on point and totally relatable and realistic. You really feel like you're a high schooler again while reading it, and relive those feelings of having crushes, being embarrassed, and having to be around people that you just can't stand.
Eleanor is new to school, and is very much an individual and stands out from all the other students. Her choices in clothes are questionable, and she has unruly red, curly hair. She quickly becomes the target for name calling and bullying by her peers. Even though it hurts her, she doesn't try and argue back, or stand up for herself.
Not only does she have a hard time at school, but her home life isn't any better. Her family is poor, and they don't have much of anything. She lives in a rundown little house with her mom and younger siblings, along with her step-dad. Her step-dad is an absolute terrible person. The whole time I was reading I was so disgusted by him. He's very mean, a drunk, and his life goal seems to make everyone in that house miserable with him. Eleanor's mom isn't any better. She's the kind of woman who allows that kind of behavior, and is very submissive to the abusive behavior.
Park's life is very different from Eleanor's. He has a great family, and his life is everything Eleanor wishes her would be, normal. His parents are still together and they adore each other. He has a younger brother who towers over him, and his grandparents live right next door. He also has it pretty easy at school. He isn't super popular, but he isn't a nerd either. You could say Park is in the "happy medium" section on the social scale.

I don't want to give anything else about the book away. All I want to say is stop what you're doing, and go read this book. It's so good, so worth it, and I promise you won't be disappointed. I absolutely adored it, and will recommend it to all book lovers out there.
I hope you enjoyed today's Book Worm Review. Until next time!


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