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A rooten' tooten' Trip to Quartzsite Arizona...part 1

Howdy gals...I'm back from my trip on a whim...and it was great! Daddy-o & I hitched up our lil' 53 cupcake trailer and ooooh weeeeee had a blast...first stoppin' at the ol Dennys for a big ol breakfast to start off our day...are you ready for some drivin' ...ooooh ya-
The views were so beautiful...

the sun was out & the warm air felt so good after all the rain...hmmm this was the makings for a fab trip... to Quartzsite Arizona for their yearly longest flea market and quartz rock show...not to mention hangin out with all my sisters from my trailer group sisters on the fly...

You see every year all the California gals jaunt over to the Arizona gals side for some shoppin, campin' and oh honey some dutch oven cookin'( they host the best campout!!!)...we think this is the coolest thing...and this year Daddy-o was a judge for the competition...he said his best gig evah!!! Tastin' all that fab food...

I can't believe how these gals do it...one gal even made a cheesecake in her dutch oven!!!!!! wow who does that...amazing... you see you cook it underground with coals...you have to be exact and it takes so much time...amazing!!! So to say the least...there was a lot of food...& a lot of fun...& hmmmm shoppin!!!!!!!

oh gals the shoppin... it is about a month long a people travel hundreds of miles to sell their goods...they stay in trailers and hotels and stake their places to sell things from all over this great country...the shoppin' is endless...you can't possibly ever see it all...

I spent an entire day shoppin' ...and didn't even get out of the very first section...it is hundreds of miles long...hundreds...you'd have to stay all month to scratch the surface...it is fab...just fab!

oh my oh my...amazing treasures...these are some wonderful metal makeup cases and pill boxes

and one of a kinds everywhere...and gals the jewelry is amazing...vintage goodies of every era.

The sellers really try and stage well...i love sellers that take the time to put like things together...

their are booths and booths of vintage goods...it is so much fun to hunt out treasures..

many ol ' wire places and farm equipment...as well as linens & so much glass wear...you really can find everything at this market!

so yes it was a blast but boy oh boy i was tired!

So this set is one of my treasures...I've never seen anything like these...different canisters of thick leaded glass & old metal stands...they were so beautiful i had to have them! i thought to place them in my bathroom with cotton balls and q-tips in them...the two on the edge i will place candles in them...the large on in the back is my favorite...they are soooooooo heavy! i love them...usually i don't buy much for the home when i am vintage shoppin'...usually i buy clothes or things for my trailer...so this is a treat to find a goodie i can enjoy in my home...

so anywhoooo that is part 1 of my trip...next i will show some adorable trailers of some very fab gals...happy trails gals...swing by again real soon ya'hear! Cat

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