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Celebrating Earth Day with Kiehl's

Have you checked the weather temperature lately? 

If you are living in Manila, you might get the shock of your life. Ladies and gentlemen (begin weather reporter voice), our weather temperature these past few days has been relatively high, as high as 33-36 degrees Celsius. (end of reporter voice) And for once, let's not pretend to be indifferent thinking that those are just numbers. A big NO to that! How can you say it's just numbers when you can no longer walk in the streets without sweating like a pig? How about when you can no longer sleep at night without turning the A/C on? 

I have no intentions of making anyone feel bad but I guess this is a wake up call for all of us. And I mean--ALL (unless you're an extraterrestrial creature from the planet far away from here, which I highly doubt because you reading my blog) Sooo...going back to my point. Let's all wake up and do some work before it's too late! Small things can pave a way for a greener and cleaner environment. If you don't know where to start then I'm here...at your service. haha. I'm here to help! I made three fashion collages inspired by Kiehl's Manila environmental tips posted in their Facebook page. 

Well technically, not pockets but a bag. I know it's common knowledge that it takes a lot of time for plastics to completely melt but sadly, a lot of stores still use plastic bags for packaging their products. The next time you visit your favorite store, probably you can just bring your stylish eco-friendly tote bag and say proudly and with a smile, "It's okay, don't put it in a plastic". Is it just me or does anyone else feel a little giddy whenever she does that? I feel like a responsible grown-up woman! Haha.
This enviro-chic bag is by Rags to Riches (Cory Aquino Edition). From what I've heard, Rags to Riches is an innovative company that gives an opportunity for underprivileged women to earn a decent income to raise a family. The women are tasked to produce beautifully handcrafted eco bags made from scrap materials. Who wouldn't want to support a company like that, right? You're not only trying to help save the environment but you're saving lives as well. You can know more about the brand and its products in their website. You can check it out here.  
Just like the first two, I'm carrying yet another eco bag but this time it's an animal printed eco bag. You see, these eco bags come in different designs, colors and sizes but all are made for one agenda. These bags reminds and encourages the shoppers out there to be responsible and brave enough to not ask for a plastic bag whenever they make a purchase. I know, I know. Sometimes it's just hard to resist to get that plastic bag with all the cutesy prints on it. But c'mon we all have an overflowing collection of plastic bags at home so yes, we don't need another plastic bag even though we have an artistic excuse behind it. 

I don't care if I'm being cliche in saying this but I'll say it anyway -- Let's Help Save the Planet Earth!
If there's such a thing as YOLO - You Only Live Once. We also have what I call, WOHOP - We Only Have One Planet. 


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