I'm guessing it might not have a Kindle version.
That's Jason Kottke on Tree of Codes, the new novel by Jonathan Safran Foer. Foer created the book by removing words from a novel called The Street of Crocodiles by Bruno Schulz; when I say removing words I'm not kidding. Foer talks about the book (which is equal parts novel and art object) here. (VF Daily)
Q: You have used visual devices such as illustration, hand-written type, and even flip books in your fiction work (Which have provoked cries of “twee!”). What compels you to tell stories in this way?
A: I’m not interested in experimentation for its own sake. But I’m interested in works of art that transport a reader. That send you to a different place—pure magic. We’ve gotten used to the notion that art, if it entertains or says something interesting about our time, that’s enough. But there’s something else it can do that nothing else can do. To be genuinely transported, to have your nerves touched, make your hair stand on end, that’s what I think art can do well—or only art can do.
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