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Review: Hask Hair Hemp Oil and Agave Moisturising Shampoo and Conditioner

Can we wash 2020 out of our hair yet? With Christmas down, and me already partied out, I'm limping towards the finish line of the end of the year, all bruised and battered from the year that could have been, but wasn't. While I'm fully aware that the ticking of the clock into the new year wouldn't change anything that dramatically, I'm mostly just waiting for things to die down a bit with work, just so I can have a breather! However, in the absence of that, I always have my self-soothing rituals, and washing my hair is one of them!

What's so great about washing your hair? Honestly, if you're asking this, then we can't be friends! Firstly, you get to wet your hair, and get a deep cleanse going, from top to toe. Then, you can pick something to suit your mood, or the finish you want - volumising to give it a lift? Sure! Something to treat your coloured hair? You bet! With so many choices to pick from, it's kinda like being a kid in a candy store! Don't forget to grab one that might tickle your other senses too - pick the scent that you want, or nothing if you'd prefer that, and then get ready to lather up!

Hask's latest addition to the ranks, Hemp Oil & Agave, boasts the possibility of adding moisture, shine and hydration to the tresses. This duo contains organic hemp oil, which is steeped in fatty acids, while the agave extract acts as a humectant, locking in moisture. This has a lovely, almost floral scent, which is something that I tend to love from Hask - their products are always beautifully fragrant!

I find this best for when my hair is feeling a little dry, or when it could really use a moisture boost. It's also a little too heavy to use with a leave in product, as I find that my hair gets a lot heavier and oilier whenever I put something else in it after I've washed and conditioned it. It is really good at the moment, as I've been washing my hair more than usual, with being hot and sweaty a lot of the time, now that we're in the height of Summer.

These come in the same packaging as the rest of the range, and you can find them at Chemist Warehouse, among other retailers. Available for $14.99 each, this would get you 355ml amount of product per bottle.

What is your go-to Hask product?

 *These products were provided for editorial consideration

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