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some concerns about my life and others'

Balaenae nobis conservandae sunt!

I was reading a Latin mottos site and found this fairly interesting. The phrase "save the whales" appeared at the top of the list starting with letter 'b'. I'm so glad science fair is over, but at the same time all the APs just started killing me. Well, I do have a schedule for their 'killing's.

Week 1 (March 30th – April 3rd)
Week 2 (Spring Break April 4th – 11th)
Week 3 (April 12th – 18th)
Week 4 (April 19th – 25th)
Week 5 (April 26th – May 2nd)

Computer Science May 5th Tuesday
Week 1: Learn Linked Lists and Binary Trees, start reviewing chapter 1
Week 2: Learn Collections and Algorithmic Analysis, review chapters 2-5
Week 3: review chapters 6 – 7 PLUS gridworld
Week 4: go over all the new materials and refresh level A materials again (including questions I got wrong + practice exams)
Week 5: familiar with all the materials (more practice exams)

Calculus BC May 6th Wednesday
Week 1: start reviewing chapters 2 – 3
Week 2: review chapters 4 – 8
Week 3: review chapters 9 – 10
Week 4: go over all materials and do practice exams
Week 5: do some more problems and practice exams

Physics C Mech May 11th Monday
Week 1: overall review
Week 2: chapters 5 – 8, 10
Week 3: chapters 2 - 3
Week 4: chapters 4, 9
Week 5: practice exams + frqs
Week 6: practice exams

I always make plans before exam preps. 'Cause this always keeps me on track of everything. But the problem is, that today is probably the last day that I'm going to sleep before 1:30. I am going to work so hard that I must make sure I make all above 4s in my APs. Ahh, these scores are so important for me. If you say that I have no life, I will not regret it either. And also, I want to ask Angie and Gary how could you keep up so late everyday?

I cheated myself/
Like I knew I would/
I told you, I was trouble/
You know that I'm no good.

I love that song very much. It's been played on my itune for 109 times last week. Amy Winehouse's voice is in my mind now. I always hum along and now even tho I would not be listening to it. It's so addicting. Sometimes it's like...life. Yeah, life is so addicting. I would get mad at stuff everyday but what keeps me living so happily overall? Because being optimistic makes me happy for little details of life and that's the whole point about life's addiction. I'm glad I can get over some stuff pretty quick AND it's not gone in my mind, either. In Rorschach's journal, it says, A comedian died last night, nobody cares. Nobody cares but me. People might care about different things in difference lives. But there's one thing important for all: never forget there is good and there is evil, and evil must be punished. There are things that you can't compromise in your mind. Don't just forget about it. You must do some actions to them. The so called 'evil' actions and thoughts according to your mind must be resolved and eradicated. You must find a solution to either agree with it or disagree with it and apply actions to what you disagree with. And that's what I'm working on myself. I will say 'no' to stuff that I don't want to do or I don't think it's necessary to do. A man should rather to be mean than to be the nicest person in the world doing everything he doesn't want to do.

Talking about Rorschach, Watchmen was a pretty intense movie. (I don't remember I talked about it on my blog. So let's just look at it again.) Anyways. It was good. Of course Rorschach was my favorite character. I admire his decisive actions on all evils. That's what true men do to make a better world.

It rained for a few days and that made me unhappy. I REALLY don't like rain and it just disturbs me and makes me feel unconfortable about things. But fortunately it stopped today. We caught a huge squirrel on Saturday morning and we released it a few miles away from our house. Hopefully it is not coming back and I'm glad to see no squirrels in our yard today. =] (Simply because my parents are happy about that but actually I feel bad for the squirrels because the look cute when they are not eating our vegetables.)

It's almost April AGAIN. I'm super excited for going back to China to see all my good friends. =] I've been missing them so much but I don't have much time writing to them. :( And also, when I go back, I must remember to eat all those food that I really miss and like. I must remember to bring some cute things back to United States. =] <3 I really miss all those really cute stuff in China and they are a lot cheaper than buying them over here. I will take a lot of pictures with my friends and upload them! Ahhh I miss them so much. Also, I will go back to see my teachers just because some of them are really funny. XD

Talking about summer and photos, I found a really cool stuff on windows vista. You can photoshop your pictures for free! It is actually not photoshop but it basically functions just like some key photoshop functions! I was soooooo happy to find that so I 'photoshop'ed all my pictures on my computer over the weekend. Lawlz. It was cool beans. Now I have all those cool pictures too. ;) And about summer, HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE IS RELEASING ON JULY 17TH!!!!!! I must not miss that. And hopefully my family is buying tickets to China either before that or after that. So I will have time to see it on the first weekend! And I always want to show my dad how cool HP is. But he always tells me it's just kids' stuff. Bleh. Fortunately my mom kinda likes it (idk if he was pretending but that makes things better!). So I guess I'm going to see with friends again.

Mhmm...it's after 12:00 again. GOOD MORNING guys. ;) It's studying time!

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