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Beauty Bar Haul: Palladio, Denman, Andrea

IMG_3531I got into an impulsive shopping mode while waiting for my model fitting @ Edsa Shang about a week ago. Some kind of energy just dragged my legs to Beauty Bar, and here are the things that I bought from there…

1. Palladio Lipstick in Coral Punch PHP 375.00—The shade caught my attention, and I just knew I had to get it. I could say…the perfect coral shade. DSC02943DSC02945

2. Andrea Permalash Adhesive for individual lashes PHP 195.00—this was totally a mistake since I was supposed to get the one for STRIP lashes, not individual PERMANENT lashes. I don’t really know what I’m going to do with this. So if you’re interested, you can definitely buy it from me. I think this caters to lash extension types of lashes. Makes ‘em stick to the lash line really good. Contact me at 09156218309 if you’re interested. DSC02956

3. Denman Three Row Comb PHP 195.00—Perfect for back combing/teasing!DSC02960

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