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Avon's Nobel Prize- Winning Anti-Aging Cream is bound to hit the Philippines this March 2013

Last week, I had posted a teaser of Avon's groundbreaking Anti- Aging product over Instagram. Many thanks to the people in Avon Philippines for giving me the opportunity to be one of the firsts to try out this product, and for giving my readers the first dibs on it.

So what is this 'miracle' cream that is "touted to wipe out the need for cosmetic surgery"? Avon says that this product contains a powerful molecule that will release untapped collagen and promises to erase fine lines, with clinical results to back up its claims. It was reportedly sold out during its first release in the UK, has garnered a lot of raves from UK- based beauty magazines and experts, and a whopping 60,000 women are waiting in line for it.

Getting curious now? So click READ MORE and be the first to know what this potion is!

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