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Relaxing Weekend

We had a nice relaxing weekend. The heat had lifted and the weather was quite pleasant.  It was quite a lazy weekend as they all seem to be lately! We did go out yesterday for a walk. When hubby woke up it was raining but by the time we left the house the rain had stopped and a fog had settled in. We went up to Muskegon State Park to do the ridge walk. I wasn't sure how I would do as there are a LOT of hills. You are basically walk up and down sand dunes. It's only four and a quarter miles, but it seems much more. I did manage to get through it though so things are looking up for our camping trip. I might actually make some of the walks!

I could barely see the lighthouse in the distance!

By the time we had got done with the walk the day had turned out gloriously sunny. Such a change from the morning!

When we got home hubby cooked dinner - chicken on the grill. I appreciate it when he cooks! Son didn't come up yesterday as he had to work. He'll be up today.

Today will consist of tidying up from the weekend, doing some shopping for weekly meals and hopefully some crafting. When I talked to Mum at the weekend she was saying that, although she had photos of the holiday we had last year, she didn't have any of the days out we did, so I'm hoping (with only a few weeks to go) to put together an album for her that I can take with me when I go.

Hope everyone has a great day!

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