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First Evel, Now THIS?

What do people have against my childhood? First, 70s icon Evel Knievel dies and while I'm waxing nostalgic about his Stunt Cycle toy and those great comic book ads I have to be reminded what a complete dick the guy really was.

Now, the Wachowski Brothers are out to destroy one of my fave childhood icons. Don't get me wrong. I don't like trashing a film before I've seen 1 second of it. And I usually hate when on-line critics (read "nerds") get all up in arms because "so and so's costume doesn't look right" or "that actor isn't the right height/weight/skin tone to play fill-in-the-blank."

But I gotta say that for everything it looks like Christopher Nolan is getting right with his interpretation of The Joker in the upcoming THE DARK KNIGHT, the Wachowski's are doing, hell, I don't even know if "wrong" is the proper word in next summer's SPEED RACER flick.

I was leery about the idea of a live action update of the cartoon icon from the get-go. I wasn't sure how you'd bring the world of Speed and his family to life. If you went for a strict interpretation of the cartoon – complete with Speed's scarf and the annoying little brother with his pet monkey – you risk looking ridiculous. If you try and update the look and feel ala the comic book and cartoon reinterpretations of the last few decades you risk alienating the show's legion of hardcore fans.

Recent news that the whole thing was done with green screens upped my leery factor and now we have these photos from USA Today. To say I'm stunned with a numbing mix of disappointment and rage isn't anywhere near strong enough. The trailer premieres tonight and will be appearing online shortly thereafter. I'll try and reserve my judgment until the flick hits theaters, but this one is dropping on my list of next year's Must See Flicks.

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