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Join The World In Prayer

Do not forget that our Lord is a warrior,
He didn't bring this on us,
but he will use it for good.
That is what he does . . .
I know that is hard to believe right now,
especially if you are not a Christian.

Think of it this way:
The Bible is a history book of facts 
that has out lived 
any other book by centuries.
Why do you suppose that is?

While you're quarantined:
Download the movie
 "God Is Not Dead" 
2014 - PG 
and read
Romans 8:28

If you don't have a bible,
I know you have the internet
or you wouldn't be here.
You can read the bible that way.

What better way to spend your time
than to do your own search.

I know that times are bad 
for all of us right now. 
Make this day count,
Keep Smiling!

Your blogging sister,
Connie :)

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