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The deed is done♥

I kept my old tag..So I have been growing it since 2015:)

This past weekend..I prepped the garlic..for planting..saving and eating.
I love doing this..
It is so rewarding.
You start the dance in October,by planting each clove individually.
You let it hibernate all winter.
Come Spring..it is the FIRST thing that pops up.
You watch it grow and grow..w/ no bugs..no pests..nothing..
In July you gather beautiful scapes and chop and freeze what you do not use immediately.
And then..you harvest the garlic..digging it up gently and hanging it to dry.
The very end of July..it's almost August..or is August..you cut the dried stems and beards..and save and enjoy.
I hope I can do this forever..because only fresh garlic tastes like garlic..buy it at markets ..and enjoy..or grow..Nothing compares.

That potting shed is dear to me.
Every home we lived in..Jacques built a little house..
this one is the first that was just for us and gardening..his part at the back..mine at the front..the front you see.
It's as cute as a button outside..inside..strictly for functionality.
And I love that.
It's stuffed by end of fall..you can't walk in..but during THE season..I do so much in there.

Anyway..all to say I love it.

The feed sacks are from Derek..from Gardenbuddies..some of you may remember..Actually Derek and Marlene♥
Both gone.
They were gifts to me.

Derek and Marlene.

This past month created havoc in the gardens..from drought to sopping wet.
Some perennials seem lost forever.
Next year will tell the tale.

Others seems fine.

I am still doing teacupthursdaysk on IG..and I made Chris' yogurt cake w/out the lemon..because Jacques..asked for plain white moist cake..for all the fruits of the season and crème fraiche.
Read the comments..often you have to make the bottom the top.
Not only here..LOTS of recipes a dome forms..Flip..the bottom becomes the top.
I have made and frozen an Italian Sponge Cake for an upcoming birthday..same:)

Painting? I did paint quite a bit..made color dot cards..tried different papers..next time I will NOTE the papers..

The only one I KNEW after the fact was Yupo.

And I am recommending that last set of fan watercolors if you can get it at a good price.

I bought it at Amazon Canada for $25.00  for travel it's a treat..not much of a mixing palette but you can use the long back..
A waterbrush comes with..and much cheaper in the US..maybe $18?
On Instagram some sell them for $60.00..
Nope..don't do it..
Under $20.00 is ideal..but I can only buy in Canada.
No big deal:) Happy to.

I cranked up my ancient Acer..and found pics...that little girl to the right..perhaps 3-4 yrs ago..at a waterfront resto out w/Max for his bday:)

The colors are not bad..for 42 colors..on the spot w/ a waterbrush♥
And let's be honest..it's soooo cute.
My small addiction continues..I am now coveting Mijellos:)♥

I leave you with this adorable scene..

This is Donna's pond   Donna's photo....look at the boat♥
You can't miss it..I need a boat in mine now ;)
For some reason..I find it adds a touch of Monet♥
Especially w/ her lily pads.
It  also reminded me of my dad's "chaloupe"..
It just takes an idea to turn something very pretty into something more magical.
This its it.

Have a great weekend..
I talk way too much here..;)

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