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Ethnicity Tag!

Hello everyone and Happy March!

Today's post is gonna be cool yet different, the Ethnicity Tag! It's just a fun little way to get to know my cultural background as well as yours, should you decide to do it. I got this from Trishna from Tips Capsule, so go check her out because she has fun beauty, fashion and food posts. So lets get started!

1. What is your ethnicity?
I am 3/4 Filipino and 1/4 Indian, with the Indian being from my maternal grandfather.

2. When was the last time you visited your country? 
I actually went in January 2014. We primarily stayed in Manila and Quezon City (where our hotel was). We ventured out of the Metro Manila area and went to Borocay, Philippine's most famous beach resort town (along with Palawan). It was so fun and gorgeous, but the water was cold (because of the mild January weather), but it was bad because I had a seizure there...right when we were about to go island hopping. So I couldn't drive for a whole year because I had to report it to my neurologist (also because I had another seizure that following June in the US). But I have learned to time taking my meds whenever I travel to match the time I take my meds at home. EX: I take my meds at 9 am and 9 pm here in California. So in Hawaii I would have to take it at 6 am and 6 pm because it's 3 hours behind in the time zone.

3. Name one household item that represents your culture.
A karaoke machine with Western and Filipino songs! Filipino parties are all about eating, singing and having a good time. I do sing with it once in a while, but don't expect me to be on The Voice or American Idol soon, lol.

Also, many Filipino households have the Last Supper painting (or as a wooden carved sculpture) and a wooden spoon on the wall. We don't have one. I would love to have the Last Supper painting though!

4. Name one ethnic food you enjoy the most.
I'm not even going to bother mentioning adobo, pancit (noodles), and lumpia (egg rolls) because they are the most basic dishes. I love sisig (chopped and sizzled pig parts with lime and chiles), lechon (the whole roast pig), longanisa (sweet sausage), and rellenong talong (egg stuffed eggplant). For dessert, I love turon (caramelized jackfruit or banana egg roll). Let's just say Filipino cuisine is NOT a healthy or vegetarian-friendly one, and people love to suck on the fat of meat dishes. Everything is also insanely sweetened (like their version of spaghetti). Which is why diabetes and heart problems run rampant. You can make your own meatless versions of classic Filipino dishes at VeganPinoy.

Sisig (courtesy of Choose Philippines)

Lechon (courtesy of Flavors of Life)

Turon (courtesy of Blogging Mama)

5. What part of your country are you from?
I was born in Pasay City, which neigbors Manila. It is home to Manila's airport, the Ninoy Aquino International Airport and Mall of Asia, the 4th biggest mall in the Philippines and 11th biggest mall in the world.

6. What song reminds you of your country?
I really like this band called Kamikazee, a Filipino hardcore rock band. I just found out that they broke up last year, which is so so sad :( Anyway, I loved their song about Turon. Yes, a song about how to make turon. They also have a song called "Tsinelas" (slippers), dedicated about someone freaking out and cussing because they can't find their slippers. Yes, their lyrics are hilarious.

"Turon" by Kamikazee

"Tsinelas" by Kamikazee

7. Do you speak your language?
Well I know the cuss words, does that count? Haha. I understand a little bit of Tagalog. I took a beginner's Tagalog class at my community college (yes, they offered it!) and I wish I could've taken the more advanced one.

I'm not going to tag anyone because I want my readers and commenters to post their own answers. I had so much fun with this tag! 

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